Every year since I was young, my family, extended family, and friends plan a day to go to Lagoon. We get a discount on tickets and get a pavillion reserved. At around six o'clock, we always meet at Pioneer Village for ice cream and a group picture. When we were younger, we had matching t-shirts. They were usually bright colors and now I can see why (so you always know where your children are). As teenagers, we didn't like the shirts so much (they cramped our style). But since having a child of my own, those t-shirts would be handy. My parents are so wonderful because they are willing to watch the grandkids so we can go on the adult rides. Madeline has been to Lagoon day ever since she was born. She went on Puff the Magic Dragon when she was nine months old! She was born to love rides like her parents. We always look forward to Lagoon Day!
Maddy's favorite ride: Dinosaur Drop and Ladybug Bop.
Madeline hugging her cousin. Andrew and Mike braving The Rocket. Maddy driving a boat. Like Daddy... like daughter.
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